पठन सेटिंग्स
प्रमाण या सिद्धि (Proof) निम्नलिखित अर्थ म प्रयुक्त हुए सकै छ:
- ऐसनो दलील जे परिपूर्ण (rigorous) आरू वाध्यकारी हो
- प्रमाण (भारतीय दर्शन)
- औपचारिक प्रमाण (Formal proof)
- गणितीय प्रमाण (Mathematical proof)
- सिद्धि सिद्धान्त (Proof theory), a branch of mathematical logic that represents proofs as formal mathematical objects
- तर्कपूर्ण कथन (Logical argument)
- कानूनी साक्ष्य (Evidence)
- विभिन्न प्रकार के जाँच, परीक्षण एवं मापन आदि
- Proofing (baking technique), the process by which a yeast-leavened dough rises, also called “proving”
- Proofreading
- Artist's proof, a single print taken during the printmaking process
- Proof coinage, a coin made as an example of a particular strike
- Proof test, for a firearm
- Homeopathic proving, testing a substance's effect on the body
- Galley proof, a preliminary version of a publication
- Proof (alcohol), a measure of an alcoholic drink’s strength